A performance agreement is a type of contract between the University and an Artist or Speaker. An artist is any person or group that provides a performance or talent for an audience. An artist talent may be in music, theater, dance, film, and spoken word. Performance agreements are not needed if the “product” is a service rather than a performance. Instead, a Purchase Order is needed when the product is a service. For example, a face painter would be providing a service and a mime would be an artist.

The Performance Agreement template is available to serve the general campus and steam-line the process for hiring artists. All performers/artists hired by departments (paid or not) must provide certificates of insurance unless a special waiver has been granted by Risk Management.

Associated Student Program Board and The Barn have unique Performance Agreements that are structured to address potential problems for their venues.

Performance Agreements are needed for:

  • Music: e.g. Bands, DJs, and singers
  • Dance: e.g. Dance companies and individuals
  • Authors: Reading or speaking about his/her work
  • Public Speakers: Inspirational/informational presentations to staff, faculty, and students
  • Performance based presentations: e.g. Magicians, comedian, and jugglers

Performance Agreements are NOT needed when:

  • Performance is directly related to an Academic Curriculum (Honorarium)
  • Payee is providing professional expertise at a University sponsored conference, workshop or symposium as a panelist, workshop leader, participant or giving a Keynote Address (Independent Consultant or Contractor)
  • Payee is providing a service (Purchase Order)

Department Responsibilities for Performance Agreements:

  • Decide what kind of performer you want to hire.
  • Obtain the following contract information:
    • Event title, performer’s name and description of the event;
    • Artist or Agents name, address, phone and e-mail if artist has one;
    • Artist or Agents W-9 Internal Revenue Service form and verify vendor is in Accountings database (Contact Accounts Payable with questions);
    • Performance date, start and end time, performance venue and amount to be paid, how and when payment is to be made. e.g. Immediately following performance or Mailed the first business day after the performance;
  • University obligations such as travel arrangements, accommodations or necessary equipment;
    • Payment information, including address, phone number and citizenship of payee;
    • Ask artist/agent if they need original signatures on the contract;
    • Sponsoring department information, contact name, phone and e-mail.
  • Prepare the University’s standard Performance Agreement template or request Business Contracts to prepare it for you. The University prefers not to sign contracts from the other party because the contract language usually doesn’t comply with University requirements.
  • Obtain the Certificate of Insurance from the artist/agent as required by the Performance Agreement and provide artist/agent with the insurance limits, request “The UC Regents” are named as an Additional Insured or complete the Risk Management forms to request an insurance waiver.
  • Contact other campus departments to obtain their event requirements when their services are needed or required. e.g. Police for security services, Risk Management for insurance and risk management questions, Parking, Physical Plant, and/or Environmental Health and Safety.
  • Obtain signature of artist/agent and appropriate University employee that has been delegated the authority to sign the Performance Agreement.
  • Provide Business Contracts with the original signed agreement and a copy of the certificate of insurance or, a signed copy of the insurance waiver from campus Risk Management.
  • Arrange for the performer to be paid
  • Contact Business Contracts if artist or agent requests changes to the University’s standard Performance Agreement or if they request a Rider be attached. Only the Materiel Management Director has authorization to sign agreements that have been changed.
  • Provide artist and/or agent with web link to University policy “Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Buildings and on the Grounds of the University of California” Title V, Division 10, Chapter 1, Sections 10000 – 10015.

Business Contracts Responsibilities for Performance Agreements:

  • Provide guidance to campus department in completing the University’s standard Performance Agreement template and review the agreement for accuracy.
  • Business Contracts will prepare the Performance Agreement at the departments’ request and obtain the certificate of insurance.
  • Answer policy and procedure questions relating to Performance Agreements.
  • Negotiate terms and conditions with artist or agent when necessary.
  • Help department coordinate other campus services by providing contact information.
  • Prepare agreement for signature by the Director of Materiel Management and signing by the other party when requested.
  • Provide artist/agent with fully executed agreement.
  • Provide copy of fully executed agreement and certificate of insurance to department in order to pay performer.
  • Provide advice on policy issues relating to the performance event and answer department questions or refer to the appropriate office.
  • Prepare amendments after the initial execution of the agreement if original terms are changed and prepare the amendment for signatures.

The purpose of this section is to provide general information to campus departments when University employees are scheduling off-campus facilities for an official "University activity" and secondly, explain the University’s’ Facility Use Agreements for external users scheduling events on our campus. After reading this section you should have a better understanding of both.

An official University activity means any activity that is planned, organized, scheduled, and directly supervised by University faculty and/or staff who have the responsibility and the authority to act in the event of a violation of University policies and procedures and/or federal, state, or local laws.

Facility Use Agreements are referred to by a variety of names such as an Application and Permit to Use Facilities; a Rental Agreement; or a Special Use Permit. Whatever it may be called, all off-campus use agreements are processed by Business Contracts and signed by the Director of Materiel Management.

The Business Contracts office processes agreements for classroom instruction, conference rooms, exhibit space, or temporary entry permits that are less than one year. The Real Estate office is responsible for use of facilities that are more than one year. Student organizations are separate legal entities and will need to seek qualified legal advice from a private source.

Facility Use Agreements for Official University Activity at off-campus locations: Prior to sending the agreement to Business Contracts for signature, the application should contain all the details of the activity. Once the agreement is received, it will be reviewed to ensure the contract language complies with University policies and procedures. Language that needs to be changed will be negotiated by the Business Contracts with the other party.

It is never too early to forward an agreement for review. Planning ahead will prevent cancellation and/or postponements because an agreement was unsuccessfully negotiated due to time constraints. Plan to send the agreement 2 or 3 weeks in advance to ensure the agreement can be properly reviewed. Facilities reserved off campus normally require a Certificate of Insurance. Campus Risk Management issues certificates once the insurance and indemnification terms meet University policy. Business Contracts will coordinate with the Risk Management office to meet this requirement.

Facility Use Agreements for External Users at University locations:

More than a dozen campus departments schedule their facilities to external users for a variety of events from fundraisers to seminars and educational programs, to meetings and sporting events or a variety of artistic performances. Below are few of the campus departments who schedule their facilities to External Users. Each department has a different internal scheduling procedure and standard University requirements may not always be met as a result of these numerous scheduling procedures. The right type of insurance coverage, environmental health and safety requirements or adequate parking may not be met for the type of event scheduled. Ideally, the campus would benefit having a centralized scheduling system that could streamline the thousands of activities scheduled on the campus annually. It would be beneficial to the campus to have the already approved terms and conditions made by General Counsel, in all contracts with External Users.

  • Academics
  • Alumni Center
  • Arts Building
  • Athletics (Gym, swimming pool, and Sports Complex)
  • The Barn
  • California Museum of Photography
  • College of Engineering
  • Entomology
  • Event Management
  • Faculty involvement with non-profit organizations using University Facilities
  • Five Reserves
  • The Highlander Hub
  • Housing
  • Palm Desert Campus
  • Parking Lot 30
  • Student Recreation Center
  • University Extension

A few campus departments have worked with the Business Contracts office to have a Facility Use Agreement specific to their area. For more information contact Business Contracts at (951) 827-3745.