

Procurement Card (PCard)

PCard is UCR's preferred purchasing method for unrestricted items under $10K.

Issued through US Bank, the Procurement Card (PCard) is a Visa card provided to designated university employees. Learn about the PCard program here.

Oracle is UC Riverside's eProcurement Site

Oracle Financials

Oracle Procurement is UC Riverside’s eProcurement platform, designed to simplify catalog ordering and allow departments to issue or request purchase orders for goods and services. It provides users with a centralized system to search, browse, and purchase from a wide range of suppliers. Oracle Procurement is part of the larger Oracle Financials system, supporting comprehensive financial management.

Purchases can be made through Oracle Procurement, but there are also other approved buying and payment methods, such as using a Procurement Card (for unrestricted purchases under $10K), a Travel & Entertainment Card, or through the UCR Work Order System Portal (e.g., Web Recharge, Digital Print Services, etc.). The following procurement methods are the only acceptable ways to purchase goods and services. To assist departments, each method includes the relevant policy and procedure number for easy reference:

  • Purchase Requisitions (750-60)
  • Blanket Orders and Sub Purchase Orders (750-03)
  • Low-Value Purchase Authorization Program (750-39)
  • Petty Cash (200-72)
  • State Surplus Letters of Authorization (750-81)
  • Consultant Agreements (750-27)

Oracle Access & Procure to Pay Roles 

New hires or those new to purchasing must complete training for system access.

  • Determine your procure to pay role(s) with your supervisor.
  • Complete the Foundational Training path and required procurement training (e.g., Oracle: Requestor or Oracle: Buying and Paying). Learn more at Finance Administration & Practices Training Program.
  • Once training is completed, your department's System Access Administrator (SAA) is responsible for assigning roles—BFS cannot do this.
  • For more details on your Department's SAA and Procure to Pay roles, see the Controls & Access section.
  • After roles are assigned, access Oracle Financials via R'Space Authorized Apps.

Make Purchases Using a Punchout Catalog or Request Form

All Oracle Procurement supplier catalogs and request forms may be accessed from the Oracle Procurement - Purchase Requisitions homepage. Review the table below for information and situations in which to use each request form. 

Type Use when
Punchout Catalogs

Use this option to expedite purchases and payments. The UC or UC Riverside has negotiated price discounts and preferential service terms for specific products offered by this agreement supplier.

Non Catalog Requisition < $10K for Goods and Services

Use for goods or services totaling $10,000 or less, excluding taxes and additional charges. Requisitions exceeding this limit will be automatically rejected. Utilize this form for punchout suppliers as needed.
Non Catalog Requisition > $10K for Goods and Services Use for goods or services totaling $10,000 or more, and the requisition will route for professional buyer review and approval.

Non Catalog Requisition for Lump Sum Purchases

Use for lump sum purchases of goods or services, often referred to as a 'blanket PO,' with a duration not exceeding one year. This is ideal for orders that will involve multiple shipments, invoices, or recurring services over time.

Note: Please remember that when creating requisitions equal to, or greater than $10K, the Suggested Buyer field must be left blank. The order will be reviewed and placed by a Procurement Services Buyer. Help text appears on requisitions indicating when to leave the buyer field blank to assist you.

Suppliers must be invited by a department to register in the UCR Supplier/Payee Portal.

If a department wishes to do business or issue a payment to a company or individual, the supplier must be invited to register in the UCR Supplier/Payee Portal. Before requesting a supplier, ensure you have the UCR Supplier Requester JR role in EACS and verify that the supplier is not already listed in Oracle Financials. A supplier request should only be initiated if the supplier does not accept a Procurement Card, the purchase exceeds $10k, and no similar supplier is available (i.e., no Supplier Agreement exists). Please note, the Procurement Card restricted item list takes precedence.

If any of the following conditions apply, the vendor should not be added as a supplier in Oracle Financials.

1. Does another catalog vendor provide the same or comparable product?
2. Is there a UC or UCR agreement with a different supplier for the given product?
3. Can the purchase be made with the PCard?
4. Will purchases only be made on a limited basis?

For guidance on requesting a new Purchase Order (PO) supplier in Oracle, refer to the 'Requesting a Supplier' guide (See Training Resources).

Unauthorized purchases are purchase transactions that are either entered into by an individual that is not authorized to contract on behalf of the University, or entered into by an individual normally authorized to contract, but who uses an unauthorized procurement method, or exceeds their delegated authority.

IMPORTANT! Unauthorized purchases include "after the fact" PO requisitions, meaning creating a requisition for a purchase order after goods or services have already been delivered or performed.

An individual may be personally responsible for payment of charges incurred by an unauthorized purchase of goods or services. At the discretion of the Chancellor, the unauthorized individual may be required to pay:

  • The full amount, whenever the purchase is found to cover unneeded items or unauthorized items that cannot be canceled/returned.
  • The amount of any cancellation charges incurred, whenever the unauthorized purchase can be canceled/returned.
  • The difference between the charges incurred and those the University would have incurred if proper methods were used, provided the purchase is found to be otherwise proper.

If a department accepts responsibility for payment of incurred charges from an unauthorized purchase, the department must submit the following:

  • A purchase requisition containing all required information. See Policy 750-60)
  • Evidence of the purchase and receipt of the item(s), i.e., invoices, packing slips, etc.
  • An attached 'Unauthorized Purchase Declaration Form' (See Forms & Resources) - a written statement explaining the circumstances that led to the unauthorized purchase, and the steps taken to prevent its reoccurrence.

In the event the responsible department does not wish to approve payment, the Procurement Services - Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) should be contacted for advice.

If you purchase goods or services for your department, read this page to learn about items with specific ordering processes. Refer to the guidelines before processing your order. Do NOT sign a supplier contract.

Purchase Type Instructions
Controlled Substances
Research Material & Equipment
Promotional Products & Services
Telephones & Services
Contracting Services
Transportation &

Independent Contractors

  • Employees: An employee is an individual who performs a service for the university and is working under the direction and control of the university or its employees. Direction and control can be implied to exist when the employer has the right to control the results as well as the means and methods of the worker. Generally, the employer must withhold income taxes, withhold and pay Social Security and Medicare taxes, and pay unemployment tax on wages paid to an employee.

  • Independent Contractor: An independent contractor is an individual engaged by the university to perform a specific function or task, and who is free to perform this function or task at the individual's own discretion with regard to means and methods. The university does not have to withhold or pay any taxes on payments to independent contractors (IRS Treasury Regulation 31.3401(c)-1(b)). Collective Bargaining Agreements and AB 5 place further restrictions on when the University can engage with an individual as an Independent Contractor and not hire them as an employee.

    Departments must use the "Independent Contractor Classification Form" (See Forms & Resources) when evaluating a candidate as an independent contractor. The form must be completed by the requesting department and submitted to UC Riverside's Human Resources for final determination on whether the individual can be hired as an independent contractor.

Contracting Out for Services 

The University of California is committed to maintaining a strong in-house workforce and supporting living wages and benefits for employees. To reinforce this commitment, in November 2019 the UC Board of Regents approved Regents Policy 5402, which generally prohibits contracting for services and ensures equitable treatment for any allowable contract workers. Contracting for services where work is traditionally performed by UC employees is generally prohibited and can only be allowed under very narrowly defined circumstances consistent with UC principles, applicable laws and collective bargaining agreements.

Departments considering contracting for services to be provided by non-university staff, for work traditionally performed by UC staff, must submit a completed “Contracting Out Justification Form” for review and approval by Human Resources' Labor Relations. The Guidelines for Contracting Out for Services can be found at Policy on Contracting Out 

Federal Contracts and Grants - Competition Policy

Definition: Extramural agreements which fund selected campus activities.
All policies and requirements apply to purchases funded exclusively by Federal agencies, but only to the extent that such policies and requirements are not in conflict with mandatory requirements of the agencies.

UG and FAR refer to sections of the Code of Federal Regulations that outline requirements for procuring goods and services with federal funding. Uniform Guidance (UG) applies to federal grants, while Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) govern federal contracts. The goal of these regulations is to reduce administrative burden and minimize the risk of waste, fraud, and abuse, while promoting competition and transparency in procurement. Compliance with UG and FAR is essential to maintaining the University’s reputation and continued access to federal funding. These regulations are integrated into many parts of the procurement process and are standardized to streamline operations and automate compliance where possible. The most common impact is the need for competition in purchasing goods and services for federal grants and contracts.

Departments and Principal Investigators are encouraged to use existing strategic contracts, which have already been competitively bid, to expedite procurement. If not, the following competition thresholds apply based on purchase amounts.

Transactions of Less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) Transactions of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) or more

Competition must be sought for any transaction expected to involve an expenditure of $100,000 or more by as broad a solicitation as the situation indicates from sources believed most likely to be able to provide the required goods or services in the required time. Such solicitation shall be from at least three sources when possible and may, in a limited market, include written inquiries to determine supplier interest and capability, with the following exceptions:

  • Personal or professional services (i.e., attorneys, doctors, licensed engineers, etc.).
  • A unique item which is available only from a sole/single source
  • An item which is not unique, but which must match existing equipment located in the same installation or facility and such item is available only from a sole/single source
  • Purchases from a primary Strategic Sourcing agreement (These are exempt since they have already been competitively bid.)
  • Requirements are not to be divided into separate transactions to preclude competition

Competition is sought by as broad a solicitation as the situation indicates from sources believed most likely to be able to provide the required goods or services in the required time. Generally, such solicitations are drawn from at least three sources when available. Negotiations are permitted for transactions less than $100,000 and may be used in conjunction with competitive quotes/bids.

Additional details can be found in the Procurement Services Policies & Procedures

If you purchase goods or services for your department, please refer to this list of restricted account codes and items.

When purchasing restricted items, additional approvals are required and are integrated into the Oracle Procurement requisition workflow. 

  • Bus Meeting Food/Bev (Fed Allow)[540500]
  • Furniture Non-Inventorial[541000]
  • Serv, Moving/Set-up[756170]
  • Cmpt Hardware Maint License[546050]
  • Cmpt Software Maint License[546020]
  • Serv, Independent Consultant[542040]
  • Legal Services & Settlements[547070]
  • Comm, Installations Charges[545030]
  • Landscape/Grnds Mat/Fertilizer[541135]
  • Radioactive/Isotope Materials[541390]
  • Rental of Cmpt Equipment[570130]
  • Rental of Non-Cmpt Equipment[570140]
  • Cmpt Software (Non-Inventory) >10K[546010]
  • Equip, Computer[560200]
  • Inventorial Furniture[560295]
  • Equip, Non-Cmpt Equip[560230]
  • Equip, Network[560250]
  • Equip, Vehicles[560280]
  • Software Proj-Capital > 5M[560300]
  • Software Proj-Non-Capital < 5M[560310]
  • Capital Purchase, Building: Student Housing Facilities[560130]
  • Capital Purchase, Other Gen Improvements[560170]
  • Capital Purchase-Infrastructure[560120]
  • Intangible Asset-Capitalizable[560350]
  • Tile/Floor/Counter/Ceiling Mat[541210]
  • Illustration/Design Charges[544300]
  • Comm, Comm Equip Rental[545020]
  • Sub-contracts First $25K[565000]
  • Sub-contracts in Excess of $25K OH Excluded[566000]
  • Rental of Vehicle[570160]
  • Pesticides[541380]
  • Serv, Property Management[542090]
  • Mail, Bulk[543050]

The following commodities are fully or partially prohibited on Purchase Orders and/or PCards.

Alcoholic Beverages Prohibited from Procurement Card
Business and Finance 43; Part 6. UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #200-44. Prohibited from Procurement Card.
Ammunition / Explosives / Firearms Prohibited from Procurement Card
Business and Finance 43; Part 3. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy with an authorized approval from Environmental Health and Safety. Prohibited from Procurement Card and DAPO.
Artwork Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Not allowed.
Awards (non-cash) Eg. Work-Related, such as employee recognition, length of service and retirement. Limited to Below
May be purchased with the Procurement Card from UCR’s approved vendor (O.C Tanner) for length of service awards.
All other awards, pursuant to Business and Finance G-41; Must be reimbursed via ePay
Bookcases & shelving (Furniture)

Prohibited from Procurement Card and Limited to Below
UCR's Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63.

All Steelcase stand-alone furniture must be purchased through the Storehouse by contacting the Storehouse or ordering directly through the following Storehouse/BKM website:

All furniture beside Steelcase stand-alone (chairs, file cabinets, tables) furniture must be submitted via a Purchase Requisition. 


Bottled Water

Need Authorized Approval on File if purchased with Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Must have an authorized approval from College/Org.Unit Financial Officer or Designee (Considerations for approval may include proximity to existing potable water sources and use of area to be served, e.g. meeting room, etc.).

For example: Culligan, Arrowhead, Sparkletts, etc.  “dispensed” water primarily located in lab areas, areas where utility drinking water has been shut-off, and areas without a drinking fountain is allowed with prior approval. 

Departments may set-up "dispensed" water delivery in Procurement Services.  A purchase order is required for documentation and audit purposes.  Departments must either provide a valid FAU or may elect to be individually billed and make payment via ProCard.

Individual sized bottled drinking water is prohibited via the ProCard
Buildings or Remodeling of Buildings Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Contact Design & Construction. Prohibited from Procurement Card and DAPO.
Bus Charters

Limitations Listed Below
Begin the process by contacting Claire Solorio, Transportation Coordinator at Transportation and Parking, extension 4395 x1281. The University owns and maintains its own buses. Claire will check availability and quote you prices for your transportation needs. Only pre-approved bus charter companies may be contracted with to provide services to UCR staff and students. The Purchasing Department maintains agreements with bus charter companies that have been approved to provide service to the University. If you are interested in adding a new company to the list, contact Ana Cotton at x23005.

A DAPO may be completed by individual departments, unless the total costs exceeds the department’s LVPA delegation.
If the order exceeds the departments LVPA, a purchase requisition must be initiated.

Purchasing has not negotiated prices with the vendors; you will need to negotiate prices on an order-by-order basis.

Cash Advances Prohibited from Procurement Card
Business and Finance G-28. Prohibited from Procurement Card and DAPO. Must be processed through Accounting via a Cash Advancement Form.

Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #600-30 & 200-44. Catered events under $250 must have Department Chair’s approval; events over $250 must have Vice Chancellor/Dean approval.

In addition, if the University is contracting a catered event on campus only pre-approved caterers may be hired to provide on-campus services to UCR staff and students.  UCR Purchasing Department maintains a list of caterers that have been pre-approved to furnish on-campus catering services. 
You may purchase catering services from:

  1. Citrus Grove Catering & Hub2Go – Contact: Conference, Events & Catering Services 827- 54719 or
  2. Sodexho Food Service (UNEX) – Contact: Sean Laurence, ext. 3613
  3. The following pre-approved off-campus caterer(s) located at:  Approved Caterer Link
Cell Phones

See Limitations Below
New service must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy. Replacement instruments and accessories may be purchased with the Procurement Card or via a DAPO. Note: The Procurement Card must be used for the payment of airtime services.

Coffee, coffee pots (for employee personal use) Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Not allowed. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Consultants Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR's Policy & Procedure Manual #750-27. Must be processed via Consultant Form located at: UCR Consultant Forms  and authorized approval must be obtained from Department Chair, Dean or Vice Chancellor, Materiel Manager and Research Office. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Contracts for Entertainment, i.e. bands, theater groups, etc. Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-39. Contact the Manager for Performing Arts Presentations. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Controlled Substances/ or Dangerous Drugs

Prohibited from Procurement Card
us 43; Part 3, Policy 850-35. May only be purchased by an authorized Department Representative or Health & Safety. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via Oracle. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card. Ordering Controlled Substances

Coverings for Windows, Floors, and/or Walls Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via Oracle with authorization from Health & Safety, Design and Construction and Physical Plant. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Decorative Items Allowable on Procurement Card with restrictions
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Decorations for campus events are allowed if they serve a valid business purpose, such as promoting UCR to attract donors or prospective students, or supporting student programs. Restricted items include decorative pieces such as artwork, vases, planters, rugs, and bookcase decorations intended to beautify a room or personal space. Decorations for events like office parties, Christmas parties, or retirement parties without a valid business purpose are also restricted. Additionally, food and drink items are prohibited, even if the event has a valid business purpose.
Employee recognition gifts (non-cash) Prohibited from Procurement Card
Business & Finance G-41. Reimbursement must be submitted using ePay. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Entertainment Expenses Prohibited from Procurement Card
Refer to BFB BUS-79 and UCR's Policy & Procuedure Manual #200-44.  Procure via the use of a DAPO to the vendor (requires ePAY's PO Back UP supporting documentation) or employee can be reimbursed after the event via ePAY's Business Meeting-Entertainment option with appropriate approvals.
Equipment (Inventorial) - Defined as a freestanding item greater than $5,000 with a useful life of one year or more

Limitations Listed Below
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. The requirements for inventorial equipment are that the cost must be between $5,000 and $9,999. A PCard requisition is required, and if a signature is needed, a Buyer must sign off. Ensure the correct Category Account Code for inventorial equipment is used, such as 560200, 560210, 560220, 560225, 560230, 560240, or 560250. The Concur expense types for inventorial equipment can be found under "Other." Additionally, departments must email a PDF copy of the PCard requisition to Jerry Monahan ( in Accounting.

A purchase becomes restricted on the PCard when the total cost, including shipping and taxes, is $10,000 or more. In such cases, the purchase must be processed through a requisition - the Suggested Buyer field must be left blank, so the order is assigned to a Procurement Services Buyer.

Ethyl Alcohol Prohibited from Procurement Card
Business 43; UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual Policy #750-93. Must be processed through the Storehouse and only to authorized users. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Fire Fighting Equipment Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy with an approval from Health and Safety (except for Health and Safety). Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Flowers as gift, bereavement or decoration. Prohibited from Procurement Card
Business & Finance G-41. Departments may use a DAPO, however you must have Dean or Vice Chancellor approval. You may not use State (19900) or Federal Funds for the purchase of flowers nor for many types of gifts.
Food Preparation Equipment (Other than for labs or Food Service areas) Prohibited from Procurement Card for Departments Other than Childcare, Dining Services, and Health Care
UCR’s Policy & Procedure ManualPolicy #750-63. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy with an approval from Vice Chancellor/Dean.
Foodstuffs, Beverages (Procurement Card can only be used by Childcare, Dining Services & Health Center)

Prohibited from Procurement Card
Refer to BFB BUS-79 and UCR's Policy & Procedure Manual Policy #750-63 and #200-44.  Procure via the use of a DAPO to the vendor (requires ePAY's PO Back UP supporting documentation) or employee can be reimbursed after the event via ePAY's Business Meeting-Entertainment option with appropriate approvals.


Prohibited from Procurement Card, Limited to Below
UCR's Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63.

All Steelcase stand-alone furniture must be purchased through the Storehouse by contacting the Storehouse or ordering directly through the following Storehouse/BKM website:

All furniture beside Steelcase stand-alone (chairs, file cabinets, tables) furniture must be submitted via a Purchase Requisition. 


Gifts or Gift Certificates Prohibited from Procurement Card
Business & Finance G-41. Reimbursement must be submitted using ePay
Goods in excess of $2,500 or Low Value Purchasing Authority, whatever is less. Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual Policy #750-39 & 750-63. All orders which exceed a department’s Low Value DAPO authority must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy.
Goods or Services for employee personal use (coffee, coffee pots, kitchen supplies/equipment) Not Allowed
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63.
Heaters and Air Conditioners (other than research application). Limitations Listed Below
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual Policy #750-63. May be processed with the Procurement Card or DAPO with an Physical Plant’s approval.
Hotels/Motel reservations

Prohibited from Procurement Card
Business G-28; Travel Card. May use DAPO's Travel Blanket, but departments must complete a Travel Expense voucher form located at: and send to Accounting. The Travel Voucher must indicate the DAPO Number. Local Hotel agreements are located at:

Household Moves Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual Policy 650-31 & 650-32. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy.
Insurance Not Allowed
Contact the Office of Insurance and Business Agreements. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Items from outside the U.S. which require permits for importation Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual Policy # 750-63. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Items requiring a waiver of liability Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual Policy #750-63. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Moving Services Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via Ebuy. Prohibited from Procurement Card and DAPO.
Purchases from vendors requiring a signed contract. Prohibited from Procurement Card
Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy. Prohibited from DAPO and Procurement Card.
Radioactive Items Limitations Listed Below
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual Policy # 750-63. May use DAPO or Procurement Card if approval on file from Health & Safety.
Real property rentals, leases and purchases Not Allowed
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Contract the Office of Real Estate Development.
Rentals Not Allowed
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy. Contact the Purchasing Commodity Buyer to discuss. Currently prohibited from Procurement Card and DAPO.
Repairs (Other than Real Property-Contact Physical Plant for real property repairs or alterations) Limitations Listed Below
Services, repairs, or maintenance where the supplier performs the services on UCR premises may be purchased using your DAPO maintenance blanket for services under $2500 and may be purchased using your Procurement Card if under $1500 provided vendor has an insurance certificate on file either in the department or at Campus Purchasing.
Respirators, dust masks and related supplies Limitations Listed Below
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual Policy # 750-63. May use Procurement Card or DAPO if department has an approval from Health & Safety. Consultation is not necessary for each purchase, as long as conditions of use remain unchanged.
Safety Glasses Limitations Listed Below
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual Policy # 750-63. May use Procurement Card or DAPO if department has an approval from Health & Safety. Consultation is not necessary for each purchase, as long as conditions of use remain unchanged.
Stamps Prohibited from Procurement Card
Must be purchased via recharge from Mail Services only.
Telephone equipment and attachments

Limitations Listed Below
May be purchased via a EBuy Requisition, DAPO or Procurement Card. SPECIAL NOTE: Telecommunication does not guarantee service or troubleshoot problems for 'customer purchased equipment' (CPE) that is purchased with a DAPO or Procurement Card. For CPE, Telecommunications will provide and troubleshoot problems with the dial tone only.

Temporary personnel services Prohibited from Procurement Card
U.C.R. local DAPO Agreement #318 DAPO must be used for temporary office services.
Travel meal, incidentals and vehicle rentals Prohibited from Procurement Card
Business G-28; UCR's Policy & Procedure Manual #900-05 Visa Card; UCR's Policy & Procedure Manual #900-05 Travel Policy. All travel must be reimbursed using Travel Expense voucher form located at: Airline tickets must be purchased through Canyon Crest Travel agency for YCAL Fares and payment must be made through a DAPO Travel Blanket payable to the American Express BTA. Departments may use Travel Blanket for hotel accommodations. Departments must complete a Travel Expense voucher for all travel expenses and send to Accounting. The Travel Voucher must indicate the DAPO Number.
Vehicles/Trailers (nontravel) Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Contact Fleet Services for Availability.
Vending Machines Prohibited from Procurement Card
Policy 750-63. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy with an approval from Purchasing Manager.
Wooden Office Furniture Prohibited from Procurement Card
UCR’s Policy & Procedure Manual #750-63. Must be processed through the Purchasing Department via EBuy with an authorized approval from Department Chair and Vice Chancellor/Dean.

Find purchasing categories available in Oracle Procurement.

  • Tax is driven off the Purchasing Category
    • Purchasing category is mapped for catalog and punchout items based on the UNSPSC provided by the supplier, and cannot be changed
    • Purchasing category is selected by the PO requisitioner on request forms
  • Qualified tax reduction and exemptions can be indicated through the checkboxes in the distribution section of the requisition/checkout page
  • If an item is taxable based on the purchasing category, but the supplier’s invoice does not charge sales tax, then use tax will be applied.
  • Freight as well as shipping and handling line should be added as a line item with category as ‘Freight[543100]. On PO, freight and shipping/ handling line will be always nontaxable. If freight or shipping handling line is taxable then taxability nature will be taken care at Invoice level by AP team. So, procurement doesn’t need to worry about taxability. If freight or shipping charges are below $500 then please update invoice and receiving close tolerance as 100% so that line will be closed on PO. Because on such PO’s, AP will not match invoice with PO freight or shipping line item. Whereas, if freight or shipping charges are above $500 then please don’t update invoice and receiving close tolerance. Because in such cases, AP will match invoice with PO freight or shipping line item.

Reference guide of common purchasing categories and their tax applicability: Category and Account Codes 


Find campus ship to addresses available in Oracle Procurement.

Reference guide of UCR Ship to Location Addresses for Campus     

On-campus sources can provide many needed goods or services. In certain instances, off-campus sources (purchased through other methods like Oracle Procurement) may NOT be used to furnish goods or services available from on-campus sources, and requests must be submitted through the UCR Work Order System Portal. Please visit for details.

Note: Gas cylinders, ethyl alcohol, and lab coat laundering are still offered through Receiving Services.