- 8/28/2002, “Execution of Agreements”, from the Vice Chancellor to the Director of Materiel Management
- Delegation of Authority—Execution of Agreements – DA1058 12/30/1991
- Standards of Ethical Conduct
- Standing Order of the Regents, 100.4(dd)
- Guidelines on University-Industry Relations
- Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students
- OP Risk Management: Business and Finance Bulletin G-28 “Policy and Regulations Governing Travel”
- General University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees, Special Services to Individuals and Organizations
UCR - Policies and Procedures
- “UCR Performance Standards and Evaluation Form”
- 200-14 “Charges without Benefit of and with Purchase Orders”
- 200-45 “Extramural funds, Classification and Administrative Responsibility”
- 300-02 “Administrative Cost Recovery and Special Agreements for Central Administrative Services”
- 300-66 “Sales & Service Activities, Establishment and Budgetary Review”
- 300-66A “Organization Sales and Service Fund Policy”
- 500-05 “Classification of Awards/Business Agreements from Private Sources”
- 700-60 “Alcohol Policy for Events”
- 750-33 “Business Contracts Policy”