In order to help you manage your Procurement Card transactions and reconciliations in an efficient manner, Purchasing and U.S. Bank have worked together to provide Procurement Card Cardholders, Department Card Administrators and Financial Officers access to U.S. Bank's online management and information system, "AccessOnline".
Cardholders, Program administrators and Financial Managers may monitor account activity, and card holders may access their transaction history via the Internet. Records of account activity for each cardholder, cardholder statements and electronic reporting are also available through this online system. Once registered, you may view line item detail for Vendors that furnish or "pass" Level 3 information, view your dollar limits and the balance available to spend, plus much more.
Cardholders can immediately register and view their transactions following the steps provided in the attached PowerPoint.
Departmental Card Administrators and Financial Officers cannot register themselves. In order that you may view multiple accounts, please provide the following THREE pieces of information so that I may register you and grant read-only access to the multiple accounts (Note: This information, for all users, is viewable by the Procurement Card Coordinator. Although confidential, the Procurement Card Coordinator does have direct access to this information):
USER ID: (7-20 characters) may be Alpha numeric
PASSWORD (8-20) Needs at least one numeric at beginning
- Pet's name
- Mother's maiden name
- Father's middle name
- Birth Place
- Favorite Sport's Team
- Child's name
Once registered, you will be able to view all transactions for all Cardholders within your department following the steps in the attached PowerPoint.
If you have any comments or suggestions please call,
Dana Allen
Procurement Card Coordinator
951-827-3008 (on campus x23008)