UC Riverside Procurement Card Program Training

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Prior to being assigned department designated Procurement Card roles, Purchasing requires successful completion of UC Learning Center (LMS) trainings: “Procurement Card”, a pre-requisite: Requestor Role, and Modules A and B of Purchasing Transactor Training.

For Procurement Card Trainings, visit the UC Learning Center, or send an email request to the Procurement Card Coordinator. Provide the trainees full name, email address and NETID. Online training instructions will be provided.

If you have been assigned the primary Reviewer, Department Card Administrator or Financial Officer role for an existing Cardholder, or are no longer assigned a Procurement Card role, send email notification to the Procurement Card Administrator immediately.

Training will provide a step-by-step walk through of the Procurement Card, Purchasing Requestor role processes and will explain policies, procedures, and best practices relative to the UCR Procurement Card Program. The purpose of the trainings is to inform individuals assigned department designated roles of their responsibility of appropriate card use, and to establish and maintain proper internal controls to ensure responsible procurement. New Cardholders will receive the "Getting Started” email that provides “Helpful Reminders” and the web-link for the “Procurement Card Guide". This information and handbook are resources containing pertinent information such as campus resources, ethical purchasing conduct, different roles and responsibilities, guidelines for use, reconciliation and redistribution, financial controls, security and protection of cards, returns and credits, disputes and declines, and violations and consequences.

Procurement Card Training is provided for intended Cardholders, Reviewers, Department Card Administrators and Financial Officers. To sign up for classes, please contact Dana Allen at x2-3008 (campus dialing) or 951-827-3008.

Training must be current as successful completion of Procurement Card Trainings is required for role designees prior to new or replacement cards being issued.

Delegation of department Reviewer, Department Card Administrator, and Financial Officer roles should not be assigned without first completing the required Procurement Card Training Classes. The Reviewer cannot be subordinate to the Cardholder.

Remember… Procurement Card refresher Training is required annually.

If a department has any questions regarding the Procurement Card or training, please contact the Procurement Card Coordinator, Dana Allen at 951-827-3008.