Last updated August 23, 2017
Only the following items may be purchased with the Procurement Card. When using the PCT application, please make sure the appropriate account is used.
- 720110 - Animal Food
- 720120 - Animal Purch - Non-Inventorial
- 720130 - Athl Supplies/Non-Inv Sport Eq
- 720140 - Automotive Supplies
- 720150 - Chemicals - Non-Pesticides
- 720152 - Clothing-Not Uniforms
- 720155 - Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
- 720160 - Custodial Paper Goods
- 720170 - Custodial-Non-Paper/Chemicals
- 720180 - Dry Ice
- 720190 - Electrical/Electronic Supplies
- 720200 - Equip Non-Inv, Not Computers $200 - $1499
- 720205 - Equipment, Non-Inv, Not Computers $1500 - $4999
- 720210 - Film and Recording Tape
- 720220 - Fuel
- 720240 - Gases - Compressed and Liquid
- 720250 - Glass, Glassware, and Ceramics
- 720260 - Hardware
- 720265 - HazMat Packing Materials
- 720270 - HVAC Supplies
- 720275 - Insignia Items
- 720280 - Lab Supplies Other
- 720290 - Landscape/Grnds Mat/Fertilizer
- 720300 - Lumber
- 720310 - Masonry Supplies
- 720315 - Medical/Dental Supplies
- 720320 - Metal, Sheet & Formed Stock
- 720330 - Office Supp-No paper/Prnt Cart
- 720340 - Paint and Other Finishes
- 720341 - Paint Sundries
- 720350 - Paper Prod/Stationery/Copy Pap
- 720360 - Pesticides
- 720365 - Pharmaceutical Supplies
- 720370 - Photographic Supplies
- 720380 - Plumbing Supplies
- 720390 - Radioactive/Isotope Materials
- 720400 - Rubber/Plastic/Other Synthetic
- 720410 - Safety Items
- 720420 - Signs
- 720430 - Textiles - Not Clothes
- 720440 - Tile/Floor/Counter/Ceiling Mat
- 720450 - Tools Non-Inventory
- 720460 - Uniforms and Shoes
- 730140 - Serv, Chem Waste Treat/Dispose
- 730150 - Serv, Environ Health & Safety
- 730185 - Serv, Lab & Other Testing
- 730190 - Serv, Laundry
- 730200 - Serv, Moving/Set-up
- 730210 - Serv, Parking
- 740110 - Freight
- 750110 - Bindery
- 750120 - Book/Serial/Periodical-Non-Inv
- 750130 - Copyright and Royalty Fees
- 750150 - Media Res-No Photo/Illustra
- 750160 - Photocopy/Repro Chg-Not Equip
- 750170 - Photo/Photographic Processing
- 750180 - Printing-Forms/Stationery/etc.
- 750190 - Publications/Reprints-Non-Inv
- 760120 - Comm, Access Charges
- 760150 - Comm, Cellular Phone Usage
- 760190 – Comm, Instrument Purchase
- 760205 - Comm, Materials (Not Equip)
- 770110 - Cmpt Connect/CPU/Data Storage
- 770120 - Cmpt Hardware Maint License
- 770130 - Cmpt Program/Sys Dev (Non-Cap)
- 770140 - Cmpt Software (Non-Inventory)
- 770150 - Cmpt Software Install(Non-Cap)
- 770160 - Cmpt Software Maint License
- 770170 - Cmpt Supplies/Equip (Non-inv)
- 770190 - Printer Cartridges
- 770200 - Equipment, non-inventory, computers $200 - $1499
- 780110 - Advertising-A21 Allow-Recruit
- 780120 - Advertising-A21 Unallowable
- 780160 - Train & Dev-Non-Payr/Non-IAP
- 780260 - Legal Proceedings, Allowable
- 780290 - Membership/Subscript-A21 Allow
- 780300 - Membership/Subscrp-A21 Unallow
- 780340 - Storage
- 803160 - Equipment, Fabricated*
- 803250 - Library Books/Materials
- 820110 - Repair/Alter/Maint-alarms
- 820120 - Repair/Alter/Maint-carpentry
- 820130 - Repair/Alter/Maint-Cmpt
- 820140 - Repair/Alter/Maint-Custodial
- 820150 - Repair/Alter/Maint-Electrical
- 820160 - Repair/Alter/Maint-Eq.(Not cmpt)
- 820170 - Repair/Alter/Maint-Grounds
- 820180 - Repair/Alter/Maint-HVAC
- 820190 - Repair/Alter/Maint-Other
- 820200 - Repair/Alter/Maint-Paint
- 830120 - Util, Diesel
- 830130 - Util, Disposal/Dump Fees
- 830150 - Util, Gasoline
- 830160 - Util, Natural Gas
- 830170 - Util, Propane/Butane
- 830210 - Util, Water
- 830220 - Util, Water Softening Srv/Chem
- 830230 - Utilities, Other
- 840110 - Rent of Cylinders - Demurrage
Following are the steps for initiating and working with a fabrication
- The department must send a memo Equipment Management to request a fabrication number.
- Describe the piece of equipment
- Provide an approximate current value
- Provide an approximate date to identify when the equipment will be complete.
- Steve Staples/Equipment Management assigns a fabrication number and informs the department.
- Make purchase via the Pcard and provide a copy of the transaction document via email, fax or campus mail to Steve with the fabrication number on it. The fax is x8-3314.
- Card Integrity: Do Not provide card information on submitted documents.
- If the transaction is done with a Procurement Card, the department DCA must complete a PCT to charge move the transaction to the appropriate FAU.
- Steve will also receive a PAN when a PCT is completed using the fabrication account number.