Notice: Effective November 1, 2024, and are retired. Refer to the Contact Tree for the quickest route to address your inquiries.

Ways UC Riverside buys and pays for goods and services

We have two primary methods for buying and paying for goods and services: Purchase Order and Procurement Card (VISA).

  • Purchase Order: Before providing goods or services to the university, suppliers must be registered to do business with UC Riverside and receive a valid Purchase Order*. If you are not currently registered, contact the department you are working with and ask them to invite you to complete the supplier registration. Have your tax information (Federal Tax ID or Social Security number as appropriate) and your billing and contact information ready. The supplier registration form contains a section to identify diverse businesses - vendors certified as small or diverse businesses should complete this section to ensure their status is recognized. (*ALL Purchase orders include a SHIP TO address to which materials are to be sent and a SEPARATE address (or method) to which invoices MUST be sent.)
  • Procurement Card: The Procurement Card (PCard) is a corporate credit card provided by the university to authorized employees. It can be used to pay for goods and services when a purchase order is not the best option for the circumstance. UC Riverside departments may use a PCard to purchase low-risk, infrequent, and low-dollar goods and services. NOTE: Some goods and services are restricted

Avoid Payment Delays

Important: Invoices submitted without the information below cannot be processed. Incomplete invoices or invoices sent to the ship to address may result in a delay of payment. UCR Accounts Payable may be reached at 951-827-3305 regarding payment of invoices.

  • Invoice number
  • Purchase order number
  • Invoice Date
  • Bill to Name
  • Bill to Address
  • Payment terms
  • Item
  • Invoice total

In order to facilitate the smooth processing of your invoice please adhere to these guidelines.

  • Tax, Freight, and additional charges must be listed separately (freight should be itemized with the additional charges)
  • The PO line item number must be an exact match

*Note: Some suppliers work directly with Accounts Payable to be set up through other methods such as Transcepta. Please follow those specific instructions.