What is an Unauthorized Purchase?

Unauthorized purchases are purchase transactions that are either entered into by an individual that is not authorized to contract on behalf of the University, or entered into by an individual normally authorized to contract, but who uses an unauthorized procurement method, or exceeds their delegated authority. That authority is limited to Procurement organization buyers and contract administrators to assure compliance with federal and state law, University policy, and prudent business and financial practices. 

Why is authorization necessary?

Procurement Services professional buyers have the delegated authority for signing all contracts or agreements that commit UC Riverside to purchase, rent, lease, license, subscribe to, or use goods or services. Generally, individual faculty members and employees are not authorized to sign on behalf of the University or to bind the university in any manner. 

All University purchases must be authorized in advance, via a written University of California Riverside Purchase Order, Department Authorized Purchase order (DAPO), or University Procurement Card. Purchases made by unauthorized individuals or via non approved methods may not be honored for payment at the discretion of the Chief Procurement Officer.

If you have a question about an authorization or purchase order, please send it to the professional buyer responsible for the purchase for review.